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Okay so, my thoughts

mercisha May 21, 2021 10:21 pm

I'm only reading this for the romance. That's it. This nonsense about purity in the seat of an establishment that thrives off the subjugation of its subjects and bloodshed is damn naive. The country is still suffering dawg. You need an empress in that seat, not a princess. And sure, she's sent troops to help but I think it's worth you know, actually sitting down, finding out all your wrongdoings and personally busying yourself with redemption. She's literally giving nothing bc she's still undergoing cultural shock.

And oh my god. The whole thing about her "libing in a country with natural disasters and thus knowing that people could live on after it" BYEEE IF ANYTHING SHE WOULD WANT TO PROTECT PEOPLE FROM THAT FEAR. Are u telling me she's gonna run away with Leon? I'm deadddddddd. Why would she sacrifice the country like that. My god, princess behaviour.

Everything is secondary to the romance. Even the old queen seems to be fond of her which, in principle I like, but it seems very Mary-Sue ish. She's not earning anything. She's not growing. Her development seems to have regressed from the first chapter.

So if you're here for a strong female protagonist, I'm sorry lmao. But if you want a harem, sure. Join the ride.

    cash register June 8, 2021 10:14 am

    ayo thanks i've been srsly contemplating reading this cuz the summary interested me but since the fl is like that, i won't anymore

    mercisha June 8, 2021 11:43 am
    ayo thanks i've been srsly contemplating reading this cuz the summary interested me but since the fl is like that, i won't anymore cash register

    No worries. It's entertaining, yes, but I can only stand so much romance and non-consensual physical contact without being somewhat repulsed. This is technically not a good story. It doesn't flesh the protag out much. She's just a queen who doesn't behave like a queen past the first chapter. And jesus, bargaining w your body? She's in the ultimate seat of power. Without her on the damn seat, the city will literally crumble into dust because of natural disasters. She has the ultimate bargaining chip: ruin to the nation. So why the FUCK is she still behaving like a lost princess?

    I would have been less irritated if she didn't have this type of leverage but she doessss wtffff

    mercisha June 8, 2021 11:46 am

    And like I'm not gonna pretend I'd do everything perfectly. I understand the shock. Its just like - she's not trying to properly build support with the common people, she's not solidifying her strength with more than just her being desirable. She's not building her own backing. I don't see much education on the political side of things - I think she read a book or two. MAN GET HER A MULTIPLE TEACHERS WYD it's just so shallow. She's better off being the daughter of an influential Duke, not the ultimate ruling powers of a nation.

    cash register June 8, 2021 1:19 pm
    And like I'm not gonna pretend I'd do everything perfectly. I understand the shock. Its just like - she's not trying to properly build support with the common people, she's not solidifying her strength with mor... mercisha

    damn i cant stand those FLs bruh honestly thanks for sparing me from this story tho i'm still disappointed cuz the summary made it seem she was going to be badass or smtg

    mercisha June 8, 2021 1:32 pm
    damn i cant stand those FLs bruh honestly thanks for sparing me from this story tho i'm still disappointed cuz the summary made it seem she was going to be badass or smtg cash register

    Ikr? I started the first chapter and I was enjoying the vibes until like, the 3rd chapter what a disappointment. She technically won the war which was great, but after that was a trainwreck I'm deadddd