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Good Manga

TeacupDragon May 21, 2021 10:41 pm

I really liked Suiren a lot. The early chapters where the author showed so much emotion and thought without using any dialogue was really impressive. Almost all the friends were really good characters as well, even some of the minor people.

I did not really like Kawasumi though... he took her for granted WAY too often, and definitely seemed more in love with Atohira than Suiren for like 95% of the manga. Ignoring her and even actively emotionally hurting her for karate and his "long time rival" was really shitty. How you gonna hear her tell you she really wants a kiss and then just ignore that for like a year?

Atohira/Suiren worked better for me when that was an option, but Ato and Koharu at the end was a really great little pairing too. Daisuke and Yuri whenever they got screen time were really enjoyable and sweet as well.
