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She's too young. She's still in school. They dated only for 2 months before their weddin...

Rose June 8, 2016 1:21 am

She's too young.
She's still in school.
They dated only for 2 months before their wedding.
The second time he fell in love and they married it was even shorter.
Their parents were strangely supportive.
They didn't care about his memory loss.
Did they even know each other (apart from their favorite food)?
It seems like their world revolved only around them (parents added).
Blushing is still one of the main factors for falling in love in shojo mangas...
Does evil even exist?

Apart from that it was quite nice. ( ̄▽ ̄)

    rose June 8, 2016 6:41 am

    I agree, thank you for pointing all of it out.

    Amita4ever December 16, 2016 3:36 am

    And what this with waiting till the service to say, "I don't." You've had an accident... seen a doctor... and YOU know you're getting ready for a wedding... that you're the groom! You weren't blindsided at the altar by this trivial little piece of information. Why wait till the vows if you aren't going to commit? Yeah. Any number of little changes could have made this so much better.