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So about the Mom...

M×G May 24, 2021 3:29 am

I really do love the story, and I keep on going back and reading it. But I'd like to voice of pretty large complaint that I've had with the fucking mother of the story for a long time.

She did not make her decision as a "Mother and Queen". I called complete bullshit. If she was truly going to act as if a mother would, wouldn't you try your best to make your child understand their wrongdoings? Like, if you are a little premonitions are showing that your child is being a spoiled fucking brat, wouldn't you try your best to change it? Cuz I know I would.

Not to mention you would personally birth and raise a child, in secret? In which you seem to succeed in teaching a good personality, although I hate her personality I hate those types of personalities in stories. But that child did nothing wrong so no hate on her. But clearly you know how the mother, how to raise your children right, but you didn't do that for your other child?

Like, no. Just no. I know if I was Pryde, I would have never accepted that. Even if I was just reincarnated as her, I would be so offended for that girl. All her love, and Parental Guidance wasn't given to her, and then all the sudden this mystery child comes over, and she gets all the loving in the world. Shitty mother. That's all I have to say.

Not to mention the father isn't the clear either, because unlike the mother he was hanging around his daughter, but he didn't seem to be doing anything about teaching her about her shitty personality. Not to mention he's going to let his wife sweep it underneath the fucking rug. Shitty parents, period.

Am I getting too heated over this? It just freaking annoys me. Does anyone else agree or am I just weird?

    jaz May 24, 2021 4:18 am

    I was thinking the exact same thing. I’m so pissed off at the queen rn! She should have at least tried to educate her child before basically abandoning her and “starting over” with a new child in secret. She had no right to abandon her own child like that. From the path the story is on right now it is pretty obvious that the future can be changed, so the Queen should’ve tried her best to prevent the future she saw from happening instead of abandoning the poor mc.

    DarkeAOU May 24, 2021 8:58 am

    Yeah, chapter 5 of the manga isn't really doing Rosa (the Queen) any favors. The novel expands on [this chapter] a bit. Such as...

    - Rosa is VERY BAD at empathy. She was abandoned by both of her parents and raised by her nanny into an emotionless robot whose only function was to best serve her country. She did not "break programming" until she met her future husband at 16.

    - Rosa first had the vision about Pryde's condemnation event when she was still pregnant with Tiara.

    - Rosa was so traumatized by "failing to raise Pryde right" that SHE DID NOT RAISE TIARA. Tiara was raised by a nanny (named Chelsea). Rosa only came to visit Tiara occasionally to educate her as the future Queen (note that Pryde also received these exact same lessons, it's only that Rosa taught Tiara personally.)

    - Rosa has several visions a month--which is a LOT, given that the average seems to be one or two a YEAR in this family. (This means she has seen the Pryde vision several times a year for seven years, meaning she's seen it a MINIMUM of 21 times.)

    - Rosa is naturally predisposed to having visions of Unavoidable Futures. (Unavoidable Futures can neither be changed nor avoided.) Furthermore, Rosa has tried numerous times to prevent several of these visions and failed EVERY SINGLE TIME.

    That said, yes, I do believe that there was a lot that could have been changed if Rosa was involved in Pryde's childhood. For one thing, Pryde might have grown to have some actual self-esteem, since Rosa seems to be the only one capable of actually praising Pryde when she does right. Everyone else criticizes her when she's wrong and ignores her when she's not causing trouble. (Lone exception: Everyone's OTHER least-favorite character, Gilbert, also gives Pryde positive feedback.)