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this manga includes only one good thing wich is : art ! the plot was very stupid to me ! L...

manga reader June 9, 2016 12:40 pm

this manga includes only one good thing wich is : art !
the plot was very stupid to me ! Leah ( the female main charater) was just chilldish , I mean writing in a diary , are you ten ?! plus she acting as if she's looking for people's pity , it was really pathetic , and the male main character was worse , he didn't know what he wanted !!
he said he was in love with his dead wife , then he said he's in love with Leah but he still in love with his dead wife !! what ??!!! . it sounded to me the whole relationship was build on pity for both characters !!

    Noodles February 20, 2017 10:32 pm

    Writing a diary makes you childish? Should she called it a journal then? I don't think that she ever acted like that. She just want to be alone and don't wanted any more men after her ex.
    But the only thing that I have to agree with you is Jason. God, this guy is an idiot. He chased after her. When he got her, he does that BS with dead wife. Then why bother at all??

    Comadrin July 6, 2020 1:29 am

    Jason was certifiable. He knew that it cost her to be his mistress, and that she was emotionally scarred as well as physically. She gets pregnant, he hates her and kicks her out. Can we say CAD+? He then reads her diary (I keep one, myself, and don't consider myself childish), and realises his absolute love for her and SHAZAAAAAAM!!! he becomes the perfect husband/lover/father/etc.

    GIVE ME A F***ING BREAK!!! If I had a mistress (never had one, as I was married by the time I could afford one, ha ha) and she became pregnant, I would be immediately concerned with how my lover felt and also what would be best for the unborn baby. Any male, especially rich and able to provide, whose immediate reaction is "You Slut/Whore/Bitch" is undoubtedly an incurable psychopath and should be euthanised like a rabid dog to raise the moral average for the species. If he acts like that, his late wife should be thanking her stars she wasn't around to see him unmasked.