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I actually like how they show character improvements. I mean yeah they've pretty much let ...

BakaUsagi96 May 24, 2021 6:06 pm

I actually like how they show character improvements. I mean yeah they've pretty much let us down on the first part of the story but the character development and on how she's not DENSE OR CLUELESS on the changing of the story. It's still better for me that she didn't disappoint us as the story goes~ other female leads goes dense after some changes and makes wrong decisions but gurl she be thinking business.


I've read the raws but I can't read korean so by judging by the picture it's more into improving herself well there is this scene where Venny and Hugo is on the Balcony having a drink for her sucess(I think?) Then they showed a picture of Ravin which made me rethink my ship (yessssmmms I'm in Hugo's side) I just felt pitiful for Ravin actually also on that staff guy where Venny gave him a flower like I'd treat that as ROMANTIC scene.
Tho imma just share that scene on where Venny got sick and Hugo healed her so she doesn't feel worse~ aaaaa and that Venny's maid said that it would've been better if Hugo was there~
also also!!! The part on where Ravin said "it would be nice if I knew Venny for that long"(and again idk if this right) BUT BUT BUT Hugo's eye literally goes BITCH HIS EYES WENT DARCCCC AF BDOSHSISGSI he probably realized sht and that Ravin has feelings for Venny~ he jelly oh~ oh~ c'mon make a move baby boii~ BUT INFO IS THAT VENNY AND HUGO MET WHEN HUGO WAS 7 SO VENNY WAS 5 VXISHSIA

(Omg pls don't hate me I'm re

    BakaUsagi96 May 24, 2021 6:07 pm

    -really just a shipper of Venny x Hugo)

    neri May 28, 2021 6:26 pm

    Im with you guys. Still gonna stay on our ship even if it goes titanic XD

    BakaUsagi96 May 28, 2021 6:46 pm
    Im with you guys. Still gonna stay on our ship even if it goes titanic XD neri


    happy02 May 28, 2021 6:46 pm

    Venny x Hugo until the end (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    lalabuster May 29, 2021 4:53 am

    pls remind me who hugo and ravin is. i have my speculations but i don’t trust myself lmaooo

    happy02 May 29, 2021 8:18 am
    pls remind me who hugo and ravin is. i have my speculations but i don’t trust myself lmaooo lalabuster

    hugo -> Childhood friend
    Ravin -> knight

    neri May 29, 2021 9:55 am

    I saw this in NU. I guess we'll age first before we know who shes gonna end up with (T⌓T)

    Hello. This is Maar, the author of [The Garden of the Red Flowers]. The reason for this notice is to explain the reason TGotRF has not been updated since chapter 50. The bottom line is, the contract for TGotRF has ended with chapter 50. I wanted to continue, but it did not go my way. I have thought about many ways, but none seems suitable. So unfortunately, I had no choice but to wrap it up at chapter 50. I'm really sorry for the half-finished work. I have regret as much as I had affection for the story, so if I had a chance, I would like to continue with the next story, but I think that would be difficult for a while. Therefore, I promise to continue TGotRF when I have a chance in the later future. I will work hard so I can finish my next webtoon until the end. Thank you for loving TGotRF.

    neri May 29, 2021 9:58 am
    pls remind me who hugo and ravin is. i have my speculations but i don’t trust myself lmaooo lalabuster

    Girl... Hugo is the brown hair sweetheart and her real destiny hshshhaa

    Ravin is the blonde kinght with blue eyes like happy02 said... hes the one she end up with in the OG novel.

    lalabuster May 29, 2021 7:33 pm
    I saw this in NU. I guess we'll age first before we know who shes gonna end up with (T⌓T)Hello. This is Maar, the author of [The Garden of the Red Flowers]. The reason for this notice is to explain the reason... neri

    nOooo what’s up w that ╥﹏╥

    lalabuster May 29, 2021 7:34 pm
    hugo -> Childhood friendRavin -> knight happy02

    ohhh, thank you! that was what i thought too but i thought the marquis was included or smthn (≧∀≦)

    happy02 May 29, 2021 8:08 pm
    I saw this in NU. I guess we'll age first before we know who shes gonna end up with (T⌓T)Hello. This is Maar, the author of [The Garden of the Red Flowers]. The reason for this notice is to explain the reason... neri

    heartbroken, this story had so much potential

    BakaUsagi96 May 29, 2021 8:35 pm
    I saw this in NU. I guess we'll age first before we know who shes gonna end up with (T⌓T)Hello. This is Maar, the author of [The Garden of the Red Flowers]. The reason for this notice is to explain the reason... neri


    Hot Girl Shi May 30, 2021 3:33 pm
    -really just a shipper of Venny x Hugo) BakaUsagi96
