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Well can someone explain the ending for me pls

Babybabe May 25, 2021 6:19 am

Well can someone explain the ending for me pls

    Nae.bitxh May 25, 2021 2:45 pm

    So in the end Jinyoo found out that he lost his memory 2 times, the first one was because of a car accident that happened after he confessed his feelings to Sungtae (at that time his bestfriend) and after the guy with freckles spread the picture he took of Jinyoo and Gyuhwool kissing (Jinyoo did it to find out if he was really gay or it was just curiosity, and Gyuhwool was obsessed). After that he didn't remember he was part of the bullies, and because of the rumors about him being gay was still around, no one would talk to him; so he started to think he was an outcast. Then Hoyeon transferred in the school, and because he was being bullied as well he bacame Jinyoo's bestfriend, but then Gyuhwool photoshopped his face on the body of a gay pornactor, so the bullying has gotten worse... Hoyeon committed suicide, Jinyoo was devastated about that, so he wanted to do it as well, but he was too scared... in the end he fall by accident; that is when he lost his memory for the second time.
    This time he forgot everything about his relationship with Sungtae and his previous loss of memory, he started to get bullied as well so he dropped out of school. After one year of being a hikikomori the episode of the convenience store happened, yadda yadda, rape, kidnapping, weird stuff.
    Jinyoo found out he got kidnapped because of his father, but later on he found out that his father just wanted to send him to a program for socialization and that he didn't know anything about the kidnapping (his father still loved him q^q), and Jinyoo met Hoyeon's older brother, Howan, the guy who kidnapped him at the convenience store...
    In the end Jinyoo, Hayan Sungtae and Howan manged to escape, while Gyuhwool was being processed. But as you can see from chapter 39 Gyuhwool was at the convenience store once again telli Jinyoo "that he never learns", so I think that Jinyoo will be kidnapped/killed by Gyuhwool... yeah it's weird :p hope i was helpful

    Insignificant Girl May 27, 2021 10:48 am
    So in the end Jinyoo found out that he lost his memory 2 times, the first one was because of a car accident that happened after he confessed his feelings to Sungtae (at that time his bestfriend) and after the g... Nae.bitxh

    Hmm, I believe more that he just imagined seeing Gyuhwool. He was still suffering from PTSD and would hallucinate about him in situations that reminded him of the bad memories. It just showed that he still didn't fully recover or "escape" from Gyuhwool. Even though, Gyuhwool will get a sentence, I mean even if you got 9 lawyers you won't get a person out of kidnapping and attempted murder on 4 people, Jinyoo will keep being chained by him mentally kinda. Anyway I'd rather have that than him being kidnapped again. Just fucked up.