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I bet the broken off horn was his family heirloom and this mf just sold it off

ryuxyoru May 25, 2021 6:29 am

I bet the broken off horn was his family heirloom and this mf just sold it off

    Tikky May 30, 2021 8:47 pm

    Yeah, I expect it to be that, too. But in his defense: If it really was his horn, he didn't know about it, so he can't really be blamed.

    ryuxyoru May 30, 2021 11:23 pm
    Yeah, I expect it to be that, too. But in his defense: If it really was his horn, he didn't know about it, so he can't really be blamed. Tikky

    I mean yeah. I don’t mean mf in an angry way even tho that sounds weird ha ha. I just think it’s funny that this guy sold that dude’s horn.