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So wait, did one person from the enemy side infiltrate the place and kill her, and then wa...

Anonymous May 25, 2021 10:22 am

So wait, did one person from the enemy side infiltrate the place and kill her, and then was killed in retaliation by the two soldiers on the same side as the brother, who arrived just a moment too late to save the sister? Or were the two soldiers from the enemy side, and was the man on the floor a guard or doctor on the brother's side, who was killed along with the sister?
Because in the former case, the brother survives, but I don't know how they'll tell him he's lost his sister too. And in the case of the latter, the brother will probably also be killed by them. I honestly don't know which outcome would be less cruel.

    SLaMSHoOK May 31, 2021 9:59 am

    if the bro survive they will most likely tell him by braille or by writing into his hands
    but its so much worse if he was still alive & lost his eye ear legs & finally his sister 2

    HYÆCINTH June 5, 2021 12:02 pm
    if the bro survive they will most likely tell him by braille or by writing into his handsbut its so much worse if he was still alive & lost his eye ear legs & finally his sister 2 SLaMSHoOK

    I think he did survive bc he was asking if she's alright so he lost her too ╥﹏╥