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I have been pondering while trying to wait patiently for September and the new chapter. Ya...

Kuro-sama June 12, 2016 12:43 am

I have been pondering while trying to wait patiently for September and the new chapter. Yashiro has never kissed anyone nor have I recalled him letting anyone (unless I'm missing something but also I understand these are just 'playmates' for him) but I have also wondering what his initial reaction would be to Doumeki kissing him. Everyone is popping a boner about them having sex (Yes, me as well) which is every fan girl dream come true though I wonder Yashiros reaction (on a side note, I know in a earlier chapter where he was young and kissed someone as a joke but I'm referring to how he would reaction to a kiss with feelings.) I thought even after Yashiro accepts how he feels about Doumeki that he might be a little scared or unsure to make him want to back off.

    ToQ-Gogo June 12, 2016 5:07 am

    Knowing Yashiro, he would be shocked on the inside & play off a kiss as a joke....
    But you never know.