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Honestly i think this is a bit rushed

typicalyaoifangurl May 25, 2021 8:12 pm

About that Don's thing with his first love it just suddenly poofed then that time skip then how haero got don back in just a couple of seggs, begging for forgiveness and THREATENING TO KILL HIMSELF IF HE WONT TAKE HIM BACK. Jeez and when nami tried to kill herself and haero saving her is just not it. NAMI JUST BE LIKE POOF SIMCE U SAVE ME U HAVE MY MAN NOW, DON'T MIND ALL THOSE 10 YEARS OF ME TAKING CARE OF HIS DEPRESSO ASS BECAUSE OF YOUR SICK ASS TOO. i cant rlly say wow haero rlly did improved BECAUSE FUCK I RLLY DIDN'T SAW HOW. MAN JUST TIME SKIPPED THEN BOOM IM A CHANGED MAN NOW, NO THERAPY , NO COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS NO OTHER FRIENDS. LITERALLY NOTHING!!
I've read this like 1-2 years ago and my past self rlly thought this is the best shit ever , just reread this but sorry it rlly ain't it lol<3

    throwaway789 June 7, 2021 9:53 pm

    i completely agree. when i first read this i thought it was a realistic and great story but after rereading i realised that literally most if not all of their problems couldve been solved with just communication lmao. the time skip made no sense, its not realistic at all for those feelings to be that strong after 10 years and practically no change between them. the storyline with jihyo and nami was rushed so we couldn’t actually connect with them, which made the storylines just unnecessary obstacles. idk, good concept but way too much angst and a hell of a lot of frustration lmao

    Anyone July 4, 2021 4:48 pm

    He has been trough so much trauma for a middle schooler if i were him i would get deep trauma having someone like u (like gay) died infront of u especially it all happened bc u were hesistated to help him ofc u would think u were a murderer and it was all ur fault even before all of that he got bullied bc of the rumor ヽ(`Д´)ノ and when the first he moved from that neighborhood prolly he got his therapy and the reason why he has no communication with his parents bc both of his them are working ( ̄へ ̄) i guess, and lastly for 4years is not long enough to get over such a traumatic accident, so i understand his paranoia (he is totally still mentally unstable) although he tried to believe him and started to develop relantionship, all it takes is one mistake to make him wavering again, hence he broke up with him. And remember don is his first love he deeply love him since his love for him never fade, which is pretty realistic for me because if i met my ex whom i deeply love, by fate (like purely coincidence) ofc that feeling wouldnt that easy to dissapear, and u would started to thinking this must be a CHANCE for him to start over since it wasnt planned at all thats why he acted so selfish af (i mad too at first but i remember how he's been trough), the reason why he looked like theres no devolepment is bc he never happy and the rest of his live still atoning his sins (is not easy as may u might think no matter how much therapy u go the feeling of gulit is still there)(/TДT)/ BUT AT LEAST both don and haero now grown up don now TRYING HIS BEST to be more understanding his mentally unstable and for haero he trying his best not to run away anymore for merely of something trival (not the best ending i agree bc he is older now why would he still think trying to let go of him but i guess that happened for every relantionship) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭