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Little Yu is so precious. I just love him. He has a really lovable character!

Georgia Dragneel May 25, 2021 11:37 pm

It would also be great if Yu were to escape from that bastard emperor (the seme who is the lead), and lived happily ever after on his own doing what he loves and enjoying his life. The emperor would find him a few years later, after being miserable for a while. Maybe THEN, he would learn how to appreciate someone.

    ag.jjtj May 25, 2021 11:43 pm

    Nah Yu deserves better to be ever with that bastard. Why want him to find him? If u is happy he’s gonna ruin it, I don’t think anyone would be glad to see their abuser, person who literally tortured them, when they were able to finally escape them. Learn to appreciate or not he doesn’t deserve second chance