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Alenira May 26, 2021 2:49 pm

The old fart was part of the same research institut as FL's father, he became jelous for FL's dads sucsess and started studying adictive plants.. He became angry when Fl's dad sucseeded an experiment he himself had failed and so he destroyed ite experiment and was kicked out. He dedicated his life to making a potion / medicin thatw as adictive, increases the users strength and and influence their mind.. All to get back at Fl's dad, but because FL's dad is dead he is targeting FL. Hence he gave the potion to the ex hero to attack her and now has tried to get her to drop medecin all together.. Because to him FL is to much like her dad hence she is now the target of his "grudge".
The aprentice helps Fl find a cure / antidote. They try to follow the old fart but finds it to be a dead end, they break in and finds a lab making the potion and half the vilagers being controled.
Fl manages to get through to the affected ppl and give them the antidote while the asistant gives her heart felt plead to her master, she pleads him to remmeber the ppl he is now hurting and to save not hurt and he surenders.
