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the possibilities are either one of the two(spoiler warning and tw//mention on necrophilia...

hmm May 26, 2021 2:51 pm

the possibilities are either one of the two(spoiler warning and tw//mention on necrophilia):

1. The guy died and the bully has necrophilia(sexual attraction to corpse/gets sexual pleasure from having sex with the dead) because in the end he jerks off to him and says "as expected. the more obedient you is cuter" where the "more obedient you" would refer to him not being able to resist or do anything since now he's dead


2. He is badly injured and is now in a state where he can't resist or do anything which is why the bully is happy in the end since now he can't try to defend himself or run away (like he did before he fell) so he's in a worse state than when he was being bullied.

this is just an extra thing that could be possible in either ending or it's not true
Some people in the comments mentioned how the bully possibly could have loved the mc in some form but obviously as he said in the end found him "cuter" in a worse state than before.(personally i'm neutral on this opinion because there are things which contradict both opinions of him loving the mc or not)

In the end the only things we can really conclude that happened for sure are that the mc has been bullied more than once and it definitely isn't the first time it has happened to him (he wasn't bullied to the extent shown in this story but he was definitely bullied before)

I believe both endings could be true but i would stick to the 2nd ending more since the words used by the bully in the end are "finally" and "obedient" however since page 10 is not fully translated there's also a possibility of him being alive because the untranslated sfx could translate to something like *twitch*, *shake* or *tremble* so in the end it's really up to you to decide on which ending you want to stick to unless someone decides to translate the sfx that hasn't been translated :)
