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In a way, the second story seemed quite bittersweet to me. From a certain age, as you grow...

Applepi May 26, 2021 10:08 pm

In a way, the second story seemed quite bittersweet to me. From a certain age, as you grow older you're more pressured into finding someone. Everyone expects you to be married by a certain age range or even have a partner, so having the uncertainty of both in your life can make you feel nervous for the future.

I may be quite young, but I personally have this fear of uncertainty in life. People make it sound so easy when in reality, the progression of your life is quite tough. There are always hardships you have to overcome with happiness sprinkled in between. At the end of the day it's only you're with yourself throughout your whole life, until you die. People will come and go, relationships with form and break...
