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Cupcake May 27, 2021 11:58 pm

This is for the ppl saying to stop normalizing rape, the author could have written their BL with out rape but they included it and it also depends on the genre this manga should have a phycological tag because there was some sort of trauma and mind break

    Natsume May 30, 2021 10:38 am

    Right? I think this is a good phycological bl, it is obvious clearly not for the ppl liking smuty love shit or sumn

    th3fairy November 13, 2023 6:18 am
    Right? I think this is a good phycological bl, it is obvious clearly not for the ppl liking smuty love shit or sumn Natsume

    yup, some ppl need to realize that if it's fucked up then it's psychological and its not meant for them but it's for another audience