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Mokha May 27, 2021 11:59 pm

I think Mc to focus on the "original game" goals, and too meddlesome on their business, dont get me wrong, i like the current progress, but isnt his original goal to avoid being Poor, and ended like the original game ending? He knew his fall will be his relationship with eliza, if it was me the first thing i do is to have no relationship with her, and then about iris and the prince, the plot already decided for them, it best to leave it as it is, no need to include himself on their business, it kinda become messed up, if it was me, i will focus on developing my area, theres so many girls in academy no need to focus on eliza who will be become his downfall, he can choose so many alternative routes but why choosing the same end goals?

    Kirgya June 23, 2021 2:31 pm

    Probably because he clearly likes Eliza even in his past life, it's just not explained thoroughly in the plot, is what I think personally...