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the uploaders r trying to translate for u, be grateful bitch

mimi May 28, 2021 8:57 pm

no bc i hate some mfs who’d be like ‘oh the translations r so bad’ ‘the translations suck’ like ok bitch u do it then

    blink111 May 28, 2021 9:21 pm

    I think translators really shouldn’t waste their time if they genuinely can’t translate the chapters from that language. They put in so much effort just to get those comments from peeps who pressure them to translate in the first place ?? Lmao

    I’ve read some w reallly hard to understand English and I dropped them, but there are people who still read the bad ones and never once think of blaming people who give up their own time to entertain us- be like these people.

    Either wait, translate them yourself or be quiet. Capiche???

    mimi May 29, 2021 3:44 am

    First off, no ones pressuring anyone to translate, anyone can pick it up themselves and I never once said I was one of those people who blame the translators, Im talking about the people who read them who complain about the translations.

    Second, mangas are always in different languages so anybody who wants to try to translate them can, fluent or not.

    Third, I understand if translators drop it if its really hard for them to translate but just dont be rude to them if theyre genuinely trying, not everyone can translate perfectly. Someone else can dm them and can just pick it up if they drop it and it doesnt have to be problematic,