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Eggu_chan May 29, 2021 7:59 am

Okokok so--i just recently remembered this CN manhua i've read a few months ago and i want to go back reading it again but i got a new phone so i lost all my history...i also didnt add it in my readibg list...oops

Anyways--both MC and ML are actors who don't know each other, one is popular and the other is meh on the ranking list but their fans hate each other a lot and often find reasons to hate the other. It's even speculated that the 2 actors dislike eachother as well.

Well--the two endes up acting in a historical drama and the MC, while feeling down about his own acting, found out a group of fans who were shipping him and the ML, well, the MC endes up becoming a shipper himself and decided to join the fandom.
