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This needs a psychological tag. Also the more I look at the comments here, the more i feel...

i need answers June 19, 2016 3:30 am

This needs a psychological tag. Also the more I look at the comments here, the more i feel that Yaoi fans do not understand the gravity of the LGBTQIAP situation and are all fetishizing about two gorgeous men having sex, rape, lack of consent etc etc. I would love to be proven wrong so comment below on what you have done for the LGBTQIAP community recently (ever joined a gay pride parade? Learn about the difficulties of being part of the LGBTQIAP? Talked to a member of the LGBTQIAP? Supported them in anyway?) You may think this is just a manga, but sometimes stories construct and fix your mindset about groups of people in reality. Love is not equal to rape even if its a good looking guy (funny how in otber yaoi sites commenters all react with disgust to old men raping but not disgusted at the rape but the old man for being old.and ugly) And anal sex does not work that way in reality. There is more than just shoving it down unless u want your dick caked in shit. Also the diseases, mental welfare, societal issues, discrimination... the only manga that has dealt with these issues is after morning love. So yea..... Yaoi community, please prove me wrong because Ive been in this community for 9 years and i want to give it a chance but sometimes the majority of the works never change

    やおいはかんぺき June 19, 2016 4:08 am

    Excuse me, but I'm pretty sure everyone with half a sense knows that. Pardon me if I come off as rude but what does listing what we have done for the LGBT community accomplish apart from an attempt at self glorification? We do not need to explain ourselves to you, neither do we need you to give us a chance. It is your own prerogative what you give a chance. Authors write what they want to write, they can sugarcoat whatever they want, and discuss any kind of issue they want to. If they chose not to do it, there is no reason to fault them. On the other hand, think about the amount of homophobic people that have been reduced.

    i need answers June 19, 2016 5:06 am
    Excuse me, but I'm pretty sure everyone with half a sense knows that. Pardon me if I come off as rude but what does listing what we have done for the LGBT community accomplish apart from an attempt at self gl... やおいはかんぺき

    I am not talking about the manga itself but the community's response to such things. The authors can write anything that addresses their concerns and does not harmfully influence the majority of its readers. If people addressed and liked it as a story as a whole for its concept of dystopia and social conflicts its fine, but its not fine if people start romantically linking up these characters and even falling in love with them. Theres even a comment that says 'NEED MORE RAPE'. dafuq? All these people could go to jail for it. Karino and the second seme can be charged for rape, molestation, harrassment. Its like walking up to prison and telling all the sex offenders that you love them only if they look smashing hot. All of the semes are mentally ill at some point and overly dominant so why not go to a mental asylum. I dunno... its saying a lot. You can say "the amount of homophobic people have reduced" but is it really that way? There are many mangas that avoid talking about homosexuality or misrepresent it, like the common phrase "Im not gay, I just happened to like you." Or not even uttering a single word about it and sometimes treating it like its just a twisted phase where one guy wants complete dominance over the other. There's hardly any interchangable positions so most of the things that readers get used to is that "manly looking tall guy = definitely the top" "more thinner guy= definitely the bottom" It is harmful because even when talking about homosexuality, it its still enforcing strict gender construct and a lot of the LGBTQIAP community especially gays and lesbians hate it when people ask them who's the man of the couple and who's the woman of the couple. So no. Just because people like seeing two men get to it in bed, doesnt mean they have let go of their homophobia and misunderstandings about the LGBTQIAP when they dont even bother knowing about the realities of these men.

    i need answers June 19, 2016 5:10 am
    Excuse me, but I'm pretty sure everyone with half a sense knows that. Pardon me if I come off as rude but what does listing what we have done for the LGBT community accomplish apart from an attempt at self gl... やおいはかんぺき

    I thought the yaoi community is a community that embraces love between men and same sex couples and be a progressive force in normalising queer romance, but so far the community caught up in only exploiting the erotic potential of gay dudes.

    What's good Miley! June 19, 2016 5:36 am
    I thought the yaoi community is a community that embraces love between men and same sex couples and be a progressive force in normalising queer romance, but so far the community caught up in only exploiting the... @i need answers

    Yass,(Read) to me yaoi dose not relate to the real LGBT community. Most yaoi is written by female for a female audience. How can a female know and relate to homosexually for men? Grated that yaoi has decreased homophobic for some people. Many people who started reading yaoi now accept the LGBT community. Just think about this websites there are many homosexual men users. They like this site because it provides them with safe community that accepts them while most societies dose not. Yet, the manga mainly involve sex not LGBT issues. At the end of the day yaoi is basically a cartoon with porn and a story.

    Karino June 19, 2016 5:51 am

    Yeah, you be proven wrong..but even half-brained person should know by now, that Yaoi has nothing to do with LGBT, that it's women's sexual fantasy with an interesting plot (which differs it from porn), and it's written by straight women for straight women (with few exceptions).

    And there is a HUGE difference between being raped by a young handsome guy or some old disgusting freak. When women have rape-fantasies they don't dream about monsters, I dearsay. And in this manga as well: that fat guy (or any other, for that matter) isn't welcome to rape Azusa, only the king.

    What's good Miley! June 19, 2016 5:57 am
    Yeah, you be proven wrong..but even half-brained person should know by now, that Yaoi has nothing to do with LGBT, that it's women's sexual fantasy with an interesting plot (which differs it from porn)... @Karino

    You always keep it 100!

    i need answers June 19, 2016 6:07 am
    You always keep it 100! @What's good Miley!

    Keeping it 100 doesnt mean its whats for the best. Like a certain american politician

    KikiBee June 19, 2016 6:15 am
    Keeping it 100 doesnt mean its whats for the best. Like a certain american politician @i need answers

    'Merica at its finest right there.

    roo June 19, 2016 6:22 am
    Excuse me, but I'm pretty sure everyone with half a sense knows that. Pardon me if I come off as rude but what does listing what we have done for the LGBT community accomplish apart from an attempt at self gl... やおいはかんぺき

    i agree with youuuu

    i need answers June 19, 2016 6:38 am
    Yeah, you be proven wrong..but even half-brained person should know by now, that Yaoi has nothing to do with LGBT, that it's women's sexual fantasy with an interesting plot (which differs it from porn)... @Karino

    I am dissapointed. I feel that today you have represented that the yaoi community is very aggressive in how it tries to shut out all opinions that they will even deny that the subject of their mangas (gays) is not for the gays but to satisfy the women's need to objectify gay men and glorify their own lewd fantasies through gay men like how our media objectify and fantasize about the female body. I am very dissapointed and angry that you think such rape fantasy fuel is okay when in reality openly gay men are more likely to be raped and lack of consent is almost considered normal.

    Very dissapointing

    Anonymous June 19, 2016 7:36 am

    Um, pretty sure that everyone knows the yaoi mangas do not reflect real life, any more than Bleach or Noblesse or say, Vassalord, (or the majority of manga on this site for that matter) reflects real life. Fiction is just that, and people read fiction to escape day to day reality. This applies to any fiction, whether it is a romance, science fiction, horror or spy novel. If you think that fiction, in any way, reflects real life, then you may need some counselling. Should any of these stories actually use real life as a source, then I am sure the readers would be properly outraged, most people can discern fantasy from reality.

    Anonymous June 19, 2016 7:38 am

    Oh, and I have many friends and relatives in the community.

    Karino June 19, 2016 7:50 am
    You always keep it 100! @What's good Miley!

    Thank you, but careful, some users tend to get butthurt for no reason.

    Karino June 19, 2016 7:51 am
    Keeping it 100 doesnt mean its whats for the best. Like a certain american politician @i need answers

    Hmm, and who would that be..Ronald Reagan? And who is the best? You? :D

    Karino June 19, 2016 7:53 am
    'Merica at its finest right there. KikiBee

    I don't speak gibberish ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    KikiBee June 19, 2016 8:09 am
    I don't speak gibberish ¯_(ツ)_/¯ @Karino

    I'm more saddened by your inability to speak sarcasm.

    Karino June 19, 2016 8:31 am
    I'm more saddened by your inability to speak sarcasm. KikiBee

    A pot calling the kettle black..

    KikiBee June 19, 2016 8:34 am
    A pot calling the kettle black.. @Karino

    Unsure of the reasons for the hostility? If you support that particular politician then more power to ya, just unsure its a good idea to have the man with 0 tact as a diplomat.

    Karino June 19, 2016 8:48 am
    Unsure of the reasons for the hostility? If you support that particular politician then more power to ya, just unsure its a good idea to have the man with 0 tact as a diplomat. KikiBee

    Well, since we done with sarcasm: the only thing I have in common with that politician - we both straight. Though, maybe he is not..

    And about tact - truth hurts.

    KikiBee June 19, 2016 8:56 am
    Well, since we done with sarcasm: the only thing I have in common with that politician - we both straight. Though, maybe he is not..And about tact - truth hurts. @Karino

    Oh ok then we're on the same page...sorry I might have been over sensative...I do that, persecution complex.

    I dont want to think about him doing....stuff with anything/anyone...eeew.

    Yes, yes it does. And being blunt isn't always the best way to tell the truth.