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oo they got the happy endingg but do yall ever just wanna emotionally hurt yourself by...

wassupbee May 30, 2021 5:55 am

oo they got the happy endingg

but do yall ever just wanna emotionally hurt yourself by reminding yourself that phil is an elf thatll live probably up till thousands of years old whilst takamasa is a mere human who’d likely only live a hundred ohohoho sure maybe takamasa will hack the system because he is a hero but imagine the loneliness phil would feel whilst he mourns for takamasa after he “goes”,, thinkin about it, it would probably be incomparable to the loneliness he felt hundred years prior to meeting takamasa and also during the duration when takamasa’s heart was only looking at the princess ohohoho

also was that lowkey rape or..?

    lostikins May 30, 2021 7:23 am

    Do you mean Phil raping Takamasa or vice versa? Tbh it all seemed consensual to me-- I just think Phil was erasing Takamasa's memories 'cause he felt like it'd torment him to know that they were having sex despite Takamasa bein' in love with the princess. Which later on it's learned that Takamasa is in love with Phil so the whole memory erasure was kinda pointless after the first two times or somethin' lol

    If You See Kei May 30, 2021 10:58 am

    I am hoping since this is a fantasy world there would be a spell like 'reincarnation' plus the fact that Phil is a powerful mage then maybe that is possible...?
    Sure Takamasa's appearance will change but it's still Takamasa regardless so yeah.... I'm hoping that would be the case

    (This is what I did to my human lover in the game dungeons and dragons)

    Spring July 7, 2021 6:58 am
    Do you mean Phil raping Takamasa or vice versa? Tbh it all seemed consensual to me-- I just think Phil was erasing Takamasa's memories 'cause he felt like it'd torment him to know that they were having sex desp... lostikins

    It was rape. Let's not sugarcoat. If it was the seme doing that and repeatedly erasing his memories, people would have been shitting on him, no doubt.