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Spoiler!! (Repost bc i messed something up)

Zippy19 May 30, 2021 1:09 pm

Ultra Spoilers

(Manga is on LectorManga up to like ch.39 for my
bilingual queens
but it will show up in google search, maangago wont let me post link)

* Mettel exposes their relationship to the paparazzi in
the next few chapters by making out with him in front
of them.
Prince Mettel finds out Louis is pregnant ch.31 after
Louis collapses again and has pregnancy cravings.
Ch 33- Mettel comfronts Louis about the pregnancy
and freaks out when Louis says he is not the father.
(He can't figure out Who the father is because he
thinks it is not his when he fınds the abortion
application paper and knows that Louis wouldn't try to
aboard a Royal baby.) He goes crazy and forces
himself on Louis who cries. (This dumbass prince IS
the father he just doesn't know lol.)
Ch.36- louis is pissed and escapes while mettel steps out to get a doctor. He is kidnapped by Duke Wayton the serial killer. He tells Duke he is pregnant and that he knows Duke drugged him that night. Duke goes crazy and tries to kill him and stab his tummy but Mettel intervenes.
38/39- Mettel finds out it's his baby when Duke
calls Louis a dirty bitch that is 5 months pregnant .
