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Okay but everyone who's clamoring for Seth's rape to be revealed is missing the point. For...

please go retake your high sch May 31, 2021 1:04 am

Okay but everyone who's clamoring for Seth's rape to be revealed is missing the point. For Seth it's the most traumatic humiliation in his life; the idea that his family, his god of war status, his power as the desert, was all because Osiris saw him as an object of desire. That he was weak and objectified and taken advantage of. Yes, revealing the cause of his "madness" would shed some light on his case; but tragically it doesn't excuse the fact that he lashed out at others for the sake of his messed up self care, and he would nonetheless still be punished, because Osiris never forced him to grind down all those souls.

Would he get some sympathy? Maybe, but Seth is someone who's so proud he RESENTS the idea and it would only serve to make him feel more humiliated as someone who's looked down upon. Ra likes him, sure, but I think she's mostly out to get Osiris, and doesn't actually care too much about Seth's trauma/suffering, at the very least she doesn't want him to die.

Mojito actually says in a tweet that he especially doesn't want Nephthys to know--because yes, he does still care about her, but she also serves as the pillar of his masculinity. As his wife, she fulfills that role for him where he's the husband, he's the strong one. If she of all people, his submissive wife, finds out that he was raped, then it's the ultimate humiliation for him. Seth is someone who will literally almost destroy Egypt, his loved ones, and himself before he lets himself be humiliated in such a carnal way again. This desperately propped up persona of evil, sadistic, but POWERFUL villain is his only flimsy shield left and he'd rather die known as an evil god than someone to be pitied.

Horus doesn't know about the rape, but he definitely can see how much "whatever happened that night" is so badly affecting Seth, so he swoops in and does his best to respect something that is clearly fundamentally crucial to Seth. He doesn't blame or tries to pry him, just reassures him and swears to get him through the situation. Yes, he has that lingering desire left over from his childhood, but he's already accepted he can't be Seth's son and it's fruitless to delude himself into thinking he could be. He stopped drugging Seth when he realized a love without free will wasn't what he wanted, and he gave up/broke the curse when he had to accept the harsh truth that being Seth's son was an impossibility. We know he's totally given it up at this point since he's full grown now--but he's still nonetheless drawn to Seth. That's why during trials 2 and 3 he keeps asking Seth random questions about Anubis, the sword, etc., he's trying to get to understand him better as a person. After seeing Anubis actively plot against Seth and reject him, the guilt of raping Seth (against his own will), and finding out Seth was betrayed by Nephthys and Osiris, and is basically completely by himself in terms of allies, he can't help but want to try and get through to Seth.

Anyways long story short TLDR: seth is a horrible awful person and i love him, and horus is absolutely perfect love interest I WILL fight anyone on this
