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Subaru is the cutest thing alive, Tachibana sucks big time, he's not letting Subaru develo...

PauliGE May 31, 2021 6:52 am

Subaru is the cutest thing alive, Tachibana sucks big time, he's not letting Subaru develop friendships and he's telling him abusive af shit, their relationship is not cute, Tachibana doesn't deserve Subaru.

    Cryptixy June 4, 2021 4:24 am

    I agree. I like Tachibanas personality in combination with Subarus when He isnt being the creepiest dude alive. Like there are some moments mostly in the beginning where I think their dynamic is cute but then Tachibana tries to control him and Subaru even feels the need to ASK him to go somewhere which is just creepy as hell. I feel like this dynamic has a lot of potential but unfortunately the dude had to be a creep.