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not cute

nana May 31, 2021 7:52 am

this relationship is a big no-no. did the alpha even say sorry for raping the omega? he clearly doesnt look sorry at all. he's just like "senpai, i like you so i'll rape you and make you my pair without giving a single fuck about your consent♡". plus, the thing that he said about omega was born to be impregnated is unforgivable. and then he go around spouting shit like "i love you. senpai you're so cool". disgusting.

    Betterwhennotreal June 1, 2021 4:15 pm

    Totally agreed dude!!! like, haruki could've just dump him just for saying omega's are for making babies alone.. but then again it'll be hard for him since he was marked by that mf..