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I have mixed feelings for this manga...

fuhoe May 31, 2021 11:34 am

I have mixed feelings for this manga...

At first, I find it cute how both of them are in love and are fighting on who's going to top who but then, in the later parts of the manga, we'll see that the blonde hair dude actually knew the megane liked him way before and kept on hurting him??

I know people like that do exists but, if someone does that to me, I'd literally yeet the guy outta my life.

I wanted to see the blonde bottomed once atleast. Like he shouldve atone for what he did. He literally gave the megane years of pain!

He gets jealous easily when he sees the megane with another person. He should've known how much he hurt the megane ayyeee.

I really liked the first half of this manga (especially with the cute cats) but... the middle down to the end is a big disappointment to me :/
