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Sorry to go all out but gosh what did she do to the author to deserve this much

All about the love June 1, 2021 2:05 pm


Boy this woman has been through so much
Her mom abused her

She nearly died along with her

The guy who saved her was the killer

Her family member were only taking care of her for her mom
Her family ran away with her money and left her with ppl they hardly knew( though they were kind ppl)

She fell in love and the guy left her and she nearly committed suicide

She fell in love again with her step brother but ppl forbid it

She got kidnapped and almost raped

Her lover almost died by the guy who burned her house, killed her mother, threatened her while in prison, kidnapped and almost raped her

Then she had to go to the guy who left yet to borrow money from the guy who not only left her but also went to the aronist who threatened her for an role in a movie

Then the poor woman was pregnant when her lover/stepbrother left her

She went away leaving her daughter to work an pay off the money she borrowed

When she finally went her home her daughter whom was grown started asking about her father digging up things about her and went to find the guy who left her mother

Her mother then found her lover/the girl's real father but the guy turned out to be a total nutcase so the daughter didn't like him (that didn't stop the mom frm loving him though)

The daughter started being all rebellious and following the wrong ppl around...(including the areonist * though she never knew he was)… all bcs she doesn't like her Papa

Her daughter bashed her for being with her step brother and ranaway but that little brat had been kidnapped

Regardless of all her daughter said the mom went and look for her following the dad in secret, met her dirty arsonist/kidnapper

And now the poor woman is on the ground wishing for death remembering all of these sad memories (my all of them though but still she deserves happiness

    littlewolf1022 June 1, 2021 1:15 pm

    Hi i hope you can put a spoiler tag before commenting

    Although as much as i enjoy reading spoilers-there are manhwas that is so good that I want to be surprised ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    All about the love June 1, 2021 1:59 pm

    Ah sorry…I forgot some ppl haven't read the manga

    littlewolf1022 June 1, 2021 2:05 pm
    Ah sorry…I forgot some ppl haven't read the manga All about the love

    Its okay it happened to me too ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Vanilieyuu June 7, 2021 10:35 am

    I think they are not related. So it's not a step brother.

    All about the love June 7, 2021 3:45 pm
    I think they are not related. So it's not a step brother. Vanilieyuu

    Ik they aren't related I think I was just typing without reading over what I wrote

    Vanilieyuu June 7, 2021 4:57 pm
    Ik they aren't related I think I was just typing without reading over what I wrote All about the love

    Lol. It's okay. I just don't want other readers to misunderstand them