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Seth needs some kind of punishment

Julia^^ May 31, 2021 4:05 pm

Look Seth still deserves some kind of punishment I understand he went through a lot of trauma and did all the things he did for his family but
1. Attempted rape on Horus
But that didn't go very well because Horus really flipped the switch he's a victim of rape so like I would hope he'd be like,"no no no that's too low" but he was willing to go through with it

2. The many people he's murdered
They're Gods and they need to guide the humans and protect them but Seth went on a killing rampage.

3. He plays dirty
He's tried killing Horus multiple times and during the competitions he played dirty which I just find ehhhh and yeah I get the whole point is to kill Horus or something I just find it like ehhh

4. Killing Orsis
NOW I FEEL ORSIS HAD THIS COMING LIKE MANS FUCKING RAPED THE GUY, CURSED HIM AND DID ALL THIS BAD SHIT IDGAF ABOUT ORSIS HE COULD GO INTO A FUCKING PIT FOR ALL I CARE. But he's a God and was a powerful God so I feel liked the God's in there still gonna be like,"Ayo, you killed Orsis" personally I REALLY DON'T CARE ORSIS IS A MANIPULATIVE BITCH but Seth would still be held accountable for killing Orsis

I feel bad and all but I think he does deserve some kind of punishment he can't go unpunished. Like but mans was broken and betrayed like by his son, by his wife, somebody he considered his sister just betrayed by a lot of people. Now, I'm not saying that he should be liked killed and whatever but I say maybe just like some kind of punishment and some needed therapy. Like maybe prison like a place where he's not allowed to interact with anybody not to fancy but not too poor and then AFTER he can get that therapy


I'm willing to listen to other people's view because I don't think I understood ENNEAD well enough so maybe I'm missing some other things this is just my opinion feel free to reply

    Ryu May 31, 2021 4:08 pm

    I like your hot take, but please use Osiris name properly. It's not Orsis. It's Osiris.

    Julia^^ May 31, 2021 4:13 pm
    I like your hot take, but please use Osiris name properly. It's not Orsis. It's Osiris. Ryu

    sorry! Thank you for correcting me