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Jaemin and Soohyun are annoying

daniel_ale May 31, 2021 5:50 pm

Jaemin and Soohyun are two manipulative bitches, at this point I even doubt if the help Daon received from Jaemin was without bad intentions, at least before Jaemin had that but now I understand, or think, that he's using Daon in order to have Soohyun again, while Soohyun is using Jaemin in order to be with Daon, both are trash and it's even worse cause Daon accepts how shitty Soohyun treats him in order to "protect" Jaemin, Daon needs to wake up and realize that Jaemin don't care about him, it's even worse now that seunghyun is involved in this mess. I feel so bad for Daon, like being in that mess and having his family on top of that is hell, I hope that he realizes that his best option so far is seunghyun idc
