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interesting .......

soneyzone1 June 22, 2016 3:56 pm

i think they aren't happy couple... something seems off about his wife

    evevao June 22, 2016 4:09 pm

    I'm so sorry, that was not intentional. ;-; I agree with your statement. Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    phantompretend June 22, 2016 4:16 pm

    Indeed *nod

    Tovah June 22, 2016 4:33 pm

    He's probably actually gay, but loves her and doesn't want to hurt her, that's what I'm guessing.

    soneyzone1 June 22, 2016 4:38 pm

    no prob @evevao (⌒▽⌒)
    and yeah that can be as well @Tovah...... cant wait for the next update ヾ(☆▽☆)

    JustAnotherCuriousKat June 22, 2016 5:19 pm

    Or he loved the bother but he married the wife because of his confusion of being gay

    MissJenny June 22, 2016 7:49 pm
    Or he loved the bother but he married the wife because of his confusion of being gay JustAnotherCuriousKat

    Or yes, he did marry the mother, not quite realizing he was gay but satirizing for a family life bc his parents passed away--but loving her in his own way, all the while not quite understanding why the step-son has been distant. Which is probably because the boy in question had a thing for him, but married his mom instead. This might get tricky, but looking forward to seeing where the two characters we have seen so far will end up (: #yaoimangapshycology lol

    SinA June 22, 2016 7:55 pm
    Or yes, he did marry the mother, not quite realizing he was gay but satirizing for a family life bc his parents passed away--but loving her in his own way, all the while not quite understanding why the step-son... MissJenny


    I'd like that

    lividangel June 22, 2016 9:45 pm

    Well there is definitely a hospital type bed in the last page,so something is up with the wife. And I wonder if he recognized the name on the card? I like this beginning :)

    soneyzone1 June 22, 2016 10:05 pm
    Well there is definitely a hospital type bed in the last page,so something is up with the wife. And I wonder if he recognized the name on the card? I like this beginning :) lividangel

    agreed (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Anonymous June 23, 2016 11:21 am
    Well there is definitely a hospital type bed in the last page,so something is up with the wife. And I wonder if he recognized the name on the card? I like this beginning :) lividangel

    Yes yes even I noticed it too