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Everyone in the story, and here in the comments, is a better person than me. Everyone is w...

mischiefgrrl June 23, 2016 2:09 am

Everyone in the story, and here in the comments, is a better person than me. Everyone is working for the best for the twins. But me, I'm still angry at the dad for creating this mess. How dare he uproot those kids? How dare he snatched the family out from under our gurl?

    UGH June 23, 2016 4:41 am

    Right I was mad at first too
    but he looks so much like Sei that it just melted away
    And well even without him there the twins would still have to move just now he's included

    mischiefgrrl June 23, 2016 11:04 am

    See? I'm the only one not forgiving enough. I suck.