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In every story I read set never gets a happy ending

Livy June 1, 2021 6:17 am

In every story I read set never gets a happy ending

    AKIRA BLE BLE June 1, 2021 6:40 pm

    Maybe for set death is his only happy ending :(

    Galathea June 11, 2021 10:46 am

    If you want a possibly happy ending for Seth and if you hadn't already, I suggest rou read ENNEAD. It's tag yaoi but it's first and foremost historical and it's really great. The first season is about to end.

    Galathea June 11, 2021 10:49 am

    Beware though, it's not exactly a sweet ride. It's painful but worth it :).

    Livy June 11, 2021 12:36 pm
    If you want a possibly happy ending for Seth and if you hadn't already, I suggest rou read ENNEAD. It's tag yaoi but it's first and foremost historical and it's really great. The first season is about to end. Galathea

    oh thank you but I’ve read it well I’ve read what’s been posted so far , and I looks like the same ending for Seth , but if you know how it ends PLEASE SPOIL IT FOR ME

    Galathea June 11, 2021 7:45 pm

    No I don't know the ending unfortunately, just what has been post by the other users. I just hope it will be a somewhat happy ending