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Sangwoowithextrachromosome June 1, 2021 11:04 am

I’ve read the raws and so far what I can tell you is that. We go back to the uke's and seme's High-school time and we learn that the uke has been living with his uncle because of his parents passing away. His uncle is abusing him and forcing him to study harder (what we know is that he’s obsessed with studying in his college years). We also find out that the uke even back then was very pushy against the seme because of his uncle telling him he's not a great influence . Seme is a really sweet but troublesome kid back then like he even is now but he really shows his appreciation towards the uke, who is really mean( I know that he has his reasons but it’s just not a really good reason to me). The story continues off with the seme rushing to the uke's home one day and trying to grab something. As he “forcefully" enters trough the door, the uke keeps questioning, what he wants and what’s happening. Seme answers, with short answers and then finds what he wanted. Grabs it (tie) and rushes out meanwhile the uke was trying to grab the tie back because it’s seme's tie that he used in high-school(uke one day had something going on and he lost his tie ig? Seme gives it to him). As the seme rushes out the uke begins to cry. He says that he wanted to give it to him anyways repeatedly what made him cry even harder. So he also rushed out to be seeing the seme standing outside, in front of his car. He rushes down the stairs to only fall and get up again, and there he is, in front of the seme, telling him to give the tie back. After “fighting" for a while the seme ties it around his tigh(uke), says something along the lines of "keep it" . He gets in the car and leaves. Then we see the uke in his bed mumbling that he’s sick and he got even sicker because of what happened. He begins to cry again and says that he won’t fall in love again. The scene ends here and we get transferred to the final scene where they’re both somewhere, where it seems to be a college or cafeteria. Uke is carrying a lot of boxes and he meets eyes with the senme who is there sat down on a bench, both eyes get bigger and we see the uke thinking to himself that he didn’t forget him. (Sorry if this is too long. I tried my best )

    Jay June 1, 2021 8:57 am

    ayooo this is something

    bia June 1, 2021 9:46 am


    U got e x p o s e d June 1, 2021 10:39 am

    Wait does it end like that??

    Sangwoowithextrachromosome June 1, 2021 10:57 am
    Wait does it end like that?? U got e x p o s e d

    I’m not quite sure about that. The last raw was uploaded around March 17th so I guess we might get new/extra chapters, I hope it doesn’t just end there doe

    _jeonballad June 1, 2021 11:06 am

    thank u so much omg do they have a happy ending? they are so cute and this is mt fave manhwa as of now

    Sangwoowithextrachromosome June 1, 2021 11:40 am
    thank u so much omg do they have a happy ending? they are so cute and this is mt fave manhwa as of now _jeonballad

    If the raw I read was the last chapter then I would consider it a bitter happy ending. Because the uke is really just playing with the seme's feelings & is being pushy and giving false hope so the seme has enough of it and leaves him. I would say for the seme it is because he’s finally letting go of the obsession of needing the uke and finally moving on.

    Jay June 1, 2021 11:40 am

    I just want a happy ending ya'll I'm gonna cry if they don't

    UwU_FluffBall_UwU June 1, 2021 1:38 pm

    Can I clarify? if the break up thingy is during the high school and they are now together in college?

    Sangwoowithextrachromosome June 1, 2021 2:27 pm
    Can I clarify? if the break up thingy is during the high school and they are now together in college? UwU_FluffBall_UwU

    No I’m sorry I must have expressed it wrongly, the whole "break up" thing happens during the college years

    UwU_FluffBall_UwU June 1, 2021 2:42 pm
    No I’m sorry I must have expressed it wrongly, the whole "break up" thing happens during the college years Sangwoowithextrachromosome

    Oh so it was in the present time right?

    Omyghad I cant handle this if your answer is "yes"

    Sangwoowithextrachromosome June 1, 2021 2:44 pm
    Oh so it was in the present time right? Omyghad I cant handle this if your answer is "yes" UwU_FluffBall_UwU

    Lmao I am so sorry for confusing you. I reread it and I THINK it happens during the High school time and the whole uke having boxes in his hands, seeing the seme happens in the college times. I think this was the time they met again

    UwU_FluffBall_UwU June 1, 2021 2:57 pm
    Lmao I am so sorry for confusing you. I reread it and I THINK it happens during the High school time and the whole uke having boxes in his hands, seeing the seme happens in the college times. I think this was t... Sangwoowithextrachromosome

    Okay Im still confused, just to clarify: they did not break up in the present time? Am I right?

    HUHU ╥﹏╥ please say they didnt break up

    Sangwoowithextrachromosome June 1, 2021 4:08 pm
    Okay Im still confused, just to clarify: they did not break up in the present time? Am I right? HUHU ╥﹏╥ please say they didnt break up UwU_FluffBall_UwU

    Like I said the whole break up thing happend and then after you see the uke with boxes in his hands and him saying he didn’t forget him(the seme)

    UwU_FluffBall_UwU June 1, 2021 4:13 pm
    Like I said the whole break up thing happend and then after you see the uke with boxes in his hands and him saying he didn’t forget him(the seme) Sangwoowithextrachromosome

    Oh I see, thanks for the info

    hellokitty June 1, 2021 4:24 pm
    Wait does it end like that?? U got e x p o s e d

    yeah it’s the end of S1.

    pooh bear June 1, 2021 5:01 pm

    the end bit where dojun is carrying a lot of boxes is a call back to the beginning of the series when he moves into the dorm

    Mangrove June 2, 2021 7:36 am

    im sorry i dont really get it. isnt raw not end yet? why talking about happy ending and such?

    pooh bear June 2, 2021 4:52 pm
    im sorry i dont really get it. isnt raw not end yet? why talking about happy ending and such? Mangrove

    it's just the end of season one as far as i'm aware. the "happy ending" is realizing dojun liked jaehee all along