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I get wanted to keep things a mystery, but a writer has got to figure out a way to do that...

lenalena June 23, 2016 7:51 pm

I get wanted to keep things a mystery, but a writer has got to figure out a way to do that while making the story easy to follow at the same time.

    demmy June 23, 2016 11:40 pm

    I think it's easy to follow

    lenalena June 24, 2016 3:59 am
    I think it's easy to follow demmy

    You're one of the few. Just look at the other comments.

    Em June 24, 2016 5:29 am

    Seriously? What's not to get about it? I really don't understand why people are having such a hard time following. It's not exactly like it's meant to be difficult to follow.

    Em June 24, 2016 6:13 am
    Seriously? What's not to get about it? I really don't understand why people are having such a hard time following. It's not exactly like it's meant to be difficult to follow. @Em

    Okay, I just reread all the English chapters, and here's a summary of the story so far.


    Prologue: The two main characters are introduced. MC is being harassed by Stalker-ssi. This seems to be routine with them, so we can assume they've been in this relationship for awhile. Therefore, the point in time for this chapter is unknown.

    Chapter 1: MC needs to take out a loan, so he goes to Stalker's seedy loan office. This is their first meeting. The servants assure MC that Stalker never turns down a request. Stalker enters with blood on his hands while a news report describes a serial killer who looks suspiciously like him. For some reason, Stalker declines to help MC and kicks him out after learning that he wants to take out a loan for someone else's sake.

    Chapter 2: Stalker argues with his father about something, possibly related to MC. He then tells the servants to kill MC. The servants seem to have their own agenda, so they send MC flirty text messages and ask to meet up at a bar. Once there, they tell him they know how to get Stalker to change his mind, which is by undressing him and seducing him. MC is naturally weirded out. The servants claim to be able to read people's fortunes and then fail epically at doing so, which further turns MC off of their suggestion. They leave him a card and the order to call back if he changes his mind. MC is depressed at his failure to get a loan and gets wasted. Then he staggers off into the night. When he wakes up the next day, he's back in his own home with blood on his shirt and Stalker standing over him.

    Chapter 3: Stalker demands that MC come to his office later, then angrily leaves. The servants pop up and are astounded that MC is unhurt by Stalker. MC tries to remember what happened the night before and comes up with some fabricated image of Stalker apologizing to him. The servants note that he's refusing to remember what actually happened. A flashback begins to the night before where the servants appear to be disposing of a body when MC suddenly bursts into the office, drunk off his ass. Stalker hears him come in and goes to see who it is. The servants think MC is here to seduce Stalker. MC is a belligerent drunk and starts accosting the wall, thinking it's Stalker and trying to strip "him." MC starts getting weepy and begging because he desperately needs the loan. Then he gets angry again and violently grabs Stalker's face, insults him, and tells him to stalk him if he thinks he'll run with the loan money. The servants attempt to restrain and silence MC because he's treading on thin ice. Flash forward to the present where MC is in disbelief about what he allegedly did while he was drunk. He realizes he has to face Stalker, but the servants claim they'll help him. Back in his office, Stalker is thinking ambiguous thoughts, possibly about MC. The servants think he won't actually kill MC, then change their minds when they see how angry he is. They send MC a "useful" number for a funeral parlor to arrange his own funeral for after Stalker murders him. MC realizes Stalker knows where he lives (since he seems to have brought him there last night) and tries to run away. The servants follow him and watch him get harassed by street punks. Off-screen, Stalker shows up and beats the punks up. Then he drops a contract for MC's requested loan and reveals that remembers everything MC did to him the night before.


    And that's where we left off. I really don't see how any of that could be made any more explicit since it's literally all there in the text.

    anonynous June 24, 2016 9:57 am
    Okay, I just reread all the English chapters, and here's a summary of the story so far.--Prologue: The two main characters are introduced. MC is being harassed by Stalker-ssi. This seems to be routine with them... @Em

    it is all there indeed ,, i understood the story same as ur description just that some things dont make y did the stalker refused to lend the loan then y did he order his goons to kill the MC,,then y did the servants suddenly told the MC to seduce him..also from the looks of it the stalker doesnt seem some ordinary loan shark..he looks a mafia killer as well

    lenalena June 24, 2016 2:28 pm
    Okay, I just reread all the English chapters, and here's a summary of the story so far.--Prologue: The two main characters are introduced. MC is being harassed by Stalker-ssi. This seems to be routine with them... @Em

    Thanks for taking the time to explain. Yeah, I missed part of what you described in chapter 3, while the randomness such as ordering MC to be killed confused me in chapter 2. Maybe I should have reread as well. Why did you reread if you got it the first time though?

    demmy June 26, 2016 2:36 am

    I wouldn't let yourself get to confused about the whole stalker wanting the MC killed. When you think about it there are still questions that need to be answered but haven't been just yet. For example what's the real reason for the loan; who's it for? Why does the MC feel like he has to be lent a loan? Right now it's still doing a backstory before going into the real story. (=・ω・=)

    Em June 27, 2016 2:35 am
    Thanks for taking the time to explain. Yeah, I missed part of what you described in chapter 3, while the randomness such as ordering MC to be killed confused me in chapter 2. Maybe I should have reread as well.... lenalena

    So I could explain it to the confused people, lol. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Also, if you don't like stories with lots of mysteries and confusion at the start, then don't read Pandora Hearts because it will destroy your brain, lol. xP

    Anonymous August 27, 2016 11:14 am
    You're one of the few. Just look at the other comments. lenalena

    Maybe because of the MC past people are confused.

    Maybe MC is a stalker himself???....
    who knows.. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Love-stage January 10, 2017 6:10 am
    Okay, I just reread all the English chapters, and here's a summary of the story so far.--Prologue: The two main characters are introduced. MC is being harassed by Stalker-ssi. This seems to be routine with them... @Em

    Who is Nordic??