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Hmmm... 4/5

uwu June 1, 2021 1:49 pm

This was very cute and pretty well written. but i feel like the ending was a bit rushed? Especially the whole regain memories part felt kind of convenient and fast.

Also, this has to be the first romance i've read that has no side couple at all. Maybe its just the authors style or she didnt think she could handle another couple since this is her first time writing romance. I usually dont care much for side couples but i found myself hoping for haena's sister, yool and mr lee have love interests. They played such a big part in getting the main couple tgt that I wanted to see them happy more than the main couple. Honestly I sort of lost interest around ch60 but i kept going thinking that one of them might get with someone. Ha guess not :( oh wells.

Other than that, this was a pleasant read. :)
