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M×G June 1, 2021 2:16 pm

I will admit that I enjoyed the story, but I am very sad that it's going on to do the Harem thing as always. Like I enjoyed the first girl, she's nice, and she hasn't done anything to make me annoyed at her. And I also thought it was funny that the grandpa was the unique one who would go to all sorts of brothels and such.

But then they how to throw in the demon girl, and the elfs. And now it's a big old harem. I mean at least if you're going to have a harem, put in more personalities, and not the "I want to fuck this dude", "I hate this dude but I'm secretly blushing", "oh my gosh I'm so clumsy but I have big tits", troupes and personalities.

Like seriously, I'm so tired of this shit. I don't mind the dude being passive, but at least I want one story that straight up rejects the girls and the girls actually fucking listen. If you're going to have a character who really doesn't care, then have a character who really doesn't care. Not a character who doesn't care but also gets horny, AND NEVER SAYS ANYTHING ABOUT HIS LITTLE HAREM. But if you have the strength to ignore that crap, it's a very good story.

I willingly admit, if it didn't have all these girls in it, I would be in love with the story. I think it's very interesting and nice.
