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nice but...

animeaD June 24, 2016 10:07 am

It was nice and heartwarming but it seems too far from reality. I don't think I know many people that would sincerely not be bothered if their loved one will just take a job abroad for 2 years without even consulting them. It's hard to make a couple if the other person is placing work first, always. And Kazushi did. Even at the end of the story, he decided to stay in America without asking his loved one. It is hard to build dreams on selfishness :(. My opinion only

    nailahd09 June 25, 2016 1:05 am

    Yeah...I agree. Honestly, there were so many opportunities for conflict and growth!

    Reality bites July 30, 2016 3:07 am

    i liked this manga bec. this couple was willing to invest in each other. They wanted to share not just their bodies but their dreams for the future.this was a refreshing, happy ending.

    Noisymura August 14, 2016 5:23 pm

    I felt the same way, that was the only thing that bothered me in the story, call me selfish but there is no way I would have accepted it as well as Kazushi did.
    I'm not asking my lover to give up on a good opportunity in his work but as a couple the least we can do is consult eachother and talk about such a serious thing together.

    And tbh the 2nd time I would have snapped ( ̄∇ ̄")

    NekuChan October 10, 2016 10:08 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Natsu

    I agree with you. It's much more better this way. I wouldn't get mad if my significant other wanted to pursue their dreams, because obviously that's what I'd want to do too. It's a once-in-a-life-time opportunity, and the fact how supportive Haru was about this whole working overseas thing made me feel so glad inside. ╥﹏╥

    djserani September 28, 2017 5:23 pm

    I agree with the OP here. I've been in enough relationships over my life that there is NO WAY it's realistic for one half of a couple to ALWAYS put work and other things before the relationship. If they're truly in love, that doesn't work. Relationships are about compromise.

    There are things the mangaka could have shown that would have made this more realistic. First off, he should have TALKED to Harutomo about going away to the other end of the world work for TWO YEARS. The way it was written/drawn, it looked like he just made the decision on his own and didn't talk at all. Also, did he work it out for Harutomo to visit at all? Did he visit? I'm sorry, it's just not realistic for a couple to be apart for two years and not see each other at all. And if my lover didn't call me for two ore three weeks, I'd be a cross between seriously pissed off and seriously hurt.

    I dunno, maybe it's just because I've tried stuff like this and it doesn't work without compromise. I'm sure there are people out there that can go for two years without seeing the one they love, but I'm not like that and I have a hard time wrapping my brain around it. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭