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For the fifth times....

Cynder------ella June 24, 2016 2:56 pm

So good. While reading ...i keep thinking about the gay movie I watched a week ago. The titles was ( 4 lunas or four moons). 4 kinds of different people with the same gender preferences and each of them have relationship troubles. I kinda felt like the third pair in the movie looks like yoshi/taka pair in some way.
I like that movie and I cried a lot while watching that. I just wanna share since it's my second gay movie and totally special to me.
Ps: I totally lost it if i was cheated that often like yoshi have to go through. I'm gonna be a criminal for sure. I'll slice his dick if that hapen to me. Like "seriously!.." (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    shinigami July 27, 2016 12:32 am

    After reading your comment, i went and watched that movie! So thanks, i guess, for your useful comment :)))

    crazycatlady68 November 20, 2016 10:38 pm

    Yeah, it's a wonderful movie and the story of a couple you're writing about was really sad... Have you seen the movie "Boys" by Mischa Kamp, btw?

    Cynder------ella November 21, 2016 3:07 am
    Yeah, it's a wonderful movie and the story of a couple you're writing about was really sad... Have you seen the movie "Boys" by Mischa Kamp, btw? crazycatlady68

    Not yet but i sure will check that out. I just can't get over with the last couple of 4 lunas. There's the lines there that still stuck in my head. like "my love is not enough for you".... something like that or not. And i was crying and snoting a bucket. Not like i did that during my bro's funeral. BTW thanks for the suggestion. Gonna watch that tonight.

    Manika July 31, 2017 1:13 pm

    Hey can u tell me what happened to andres and hugo in the end???

    Cynder------ella July 31, 2017 2:01 pm

    Sorry! I kinda forgot the name of the characters since it's been so long but... if it is the third couple i mentioned in "4 lunas"... and if my left brain is still functioning...i thinks this is what happened.
    The uke/seme is being slut that leads him almost killed, save by his loving lover whom he wants to change to someone he isn't to cater his ego. But then the loving lover of him realized during the hospital scene that he thinks his love isn't enough for the uke or seme(forgot his name) or something like that then he leave him for good. And I cried a river there. Coz he was the one who asked a second chance but it is not his fault for being the way he was. But then the uke.. after a while remembered the beautiful time he spent with the lover i mentioned (kinda hard remembering names.) and realize he still love him and being and idiotic, slut,asshole he is i think he kinda figured he needs to pick up his broken pieces of brain cells or change for the better before thinking of going back with him coz for me he hits his quota for being a slut jackass behind his lover. Kinda forgot the whole story coz i just focus on them actually or if I'm talking the same movie as the characters you mentioned.
    Ps: sorry for the english if there is wrong wording.. (my 3rd language).