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I love this mangaka and recommend you read her other works! Like others the ending was a ...

Diosa del Sol June 25, 2016 4:28 am

I love this mangaka and recommend you read her other works!
Like others the ending was a bit of a let down for me. I get that Lune and Michael both love the circus, and were both with the Ringmaster, maybe that's why they ended up together, but I wish Michael would of ended up alone If he couldn't be with either Michael or Leo. I could see him with Lune if maybe he would of slept with the acrobat girl in the beginning instead of just physically harassing her, or even sleeping with Coco. It would of set him up to be bi instead of gay, at least in my mind. I know he slept with lune, but that seemed like a moment of comfort. Not that he could be with girls. Since the aforementioned didn't happen, and he can't be with Michael or Leo, I think he should of become a solitary lone figure who lives and dies by the circus. Like the Ringmaster finding what a true circus is to him and making that vision come to fruition. Maybe we could of gotten a sequel out of it. :D
