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omg I'm in love

Fanged Lightsaber June 2, 2021 2:05 pm

I loved reading this I wish it had more extras for their happy endings.cause there was so much drama going on that I wanted to enjoy their happiness too

    Fanged Lightsaber June 4, 2021 7:22 am

    Also, kinda wished the scarring were realistic in a sense that THAT BOI GOT WHIPPED CONSECUTIVELY HOW TF DID HIS TISSUES NOT SCAR. THE only remaining scar you can see was where the arrow had hit. EVEN FOR IGEN, he'd been through a LOT, tf how does he only have the scar of the stabbing.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the story, but it could've served as an emotional amplifier for Igen when he sees the scars he put on Kasan (cuz u know, in the first chapters, he almost always whipped kasan)