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Hanna June 2, 2021 3:48 pm

Read at your own risk!!!


The King announced that he would marry Shen lady (or whatever her name is) who was originally engaged to him. He did this because he thought that Yu would be jealous. The King said if Yu even showed any discomfort, he would stop the ceremony right away. Too bad Yu didn’t attend the ceremony, only at the end he came to give (back) the King the jade stone. It was to show the King that Yu was no longer interested in him and it was the same with the King breaking his dice in the past.

The Emperor still used Yu as a bait to lure out the King and tried to kill him multiple times. However, the King thought that Yu contacted the Emperor’s people by himself so the King wanted to talk to Yu. Instead of explaining, Yu said he did it so he could cut ties with the King. Yu hates the King so much that he took the poison (that was supposed to be given to the King) himself. On top of that, the King gave him a fake poison trying to scare him (but it was good medicine). Yu ended up having 3 “poisons” running in his body.

At the end of ch.68, Yu woke up and he’s able to talk.

Based on the novel, it seems there will be a good ending though.
