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pls donate me some recommendations

bungee cum June 2, 2021 6:29 pm

any manga/manwha/webtoon with a female lead that is:
- funny-cute female lead with a meme-able reactions. faces thag contorts or sudden different artstyle of her face to deliver the comedic tone. incorporates parady of some sort lol
- a dirty or thirsty female lead in the funny spectrum would also be a plus point for me!

an example would be:
Latte Ecrie from Miss Not-so Sidekick
Melissa Podebrat from Beware the Villainess
Dami Lee from A Falling Cohabitation
Himeki Toono from Renai Flag 0 Joshi no Meisou
Nari Oh from Odd Girl Out
Jung Bareum from A Guide to Proper Dating
