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ok... SO

CosAniMan June 3, 2021 1:29 am

I am only on the 12th chapter and the series is really not hitting it for me (cause YIKES all over) but I still want to read it, but is it worth the read... Probably not... Am I still gonna finish it... Most likely, but very slowly cause there is a need for multiple breathers/breaks before reading the next chapter(s), cause I am getting too pissed off at Lee Kang. Like I don't understand what Lee Kang's real motive (other than the moaning thing) is for targeting Junho but from what I can tell it'll be petty AF. Like Junho literally did nothing to provoke Lee Kang other than ignoring him/minding his own business until freaking Lee Kang was just like "nah" LIKE WHY???
