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complaints about chpter 103 ..... ugg i HATE time jumps, it is totally not believable tha...

I Love Junjou Romantica June 26, 2016 11:17 pm

complaints about chpter 103

ugg i HATE time jumps, it is totally not believable that they dont meet for 5 years! 5 year!!! tht is a long time! nothing happen for 5 years makes me upset because i lliked this story for its realisn

    Lala June 26, 2016 11:54 pm

    I think it's still realistic. Although 5 years seems like long time it's almost almost nothing as you get longer. Everyone lives their own lives after all. I haven't been able to meet up with my best friends for over 4 years because our schedules just don't match up for example. But if you're only 16 then it you might perceive it differently because 5 years is almost 1/3 of your life

    lenalena June 27, 2016 2:18 am

    How old are you? As adults, it is very easy to not end up meeting someone for years. Especially if you don't really make an effort. You can be surprised they didn't try harder. But don't be surprised it's been so long.

    rhye June 27, 2016 2:41 am

    They meet though. They see each other, though not that often as we can see from 103, where Shiharu said he met Matsunaga but he was too busy and needed to get back to work ASAP. Even Rio met Akane (still 103) 2yrs ago.

    Also, as an adult, sometimes life gets difficult that you don't see people important to you for months or years. Shiharu studying, Matsunaga moving to new house, the kids growing up, I'm sure there are a lot of reasons. Staying in touch is another story though, it seems they all call each other often.

    I Love Junjou Romantica June 27, 2016 4:11 am

    I get what you guys are saying BUT the 'especially if you dont really make an effort' as lenalena points out is what makes this hard to believe,

    I can understand with friends or family but this is between two people with romantic interest in each other. the only time they met was when meeting the twins ... a couple times... and then he had to leave???? why couldnt he phone her like before? even doctors are not 'that' busy. it sounds like they havent even had a proper conversation since 5 years ago... ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    which is possible... but irl i just cant see two people who care that much for one another to have such a communication problem. there are no lovers who go five years without meeting their loved one unless some extreme situation like war idk, but this is not an extremem situation at alll

    also as for their 'not actually being lovers' this is only making it lessss likey that it would happen, who in their right mind is serious enough to give a ring and wait ten years towards the love of their ife then take no further initiavtive??? like i can understand him not wanting to tye her dowsn and let her mature and stuff ut thats beside the poitn errg idk how to explain it ... do you guys no get what i mean .... erg

    rhye June 27, 2016 6:27 am
    I get what you guys are saying BUT the 'especially if you dont really make an effort' as lenalena points out is what makes this hard to believe, I can understand with friends or family but this is between two p... I Love Junjou Romantica

    He loves her, but he's not sure if she does. Pressuring a 17 year old girl isn't Matsunaga's character, for he is a rather serious, gentleman. He leaves early everytime they meet, we can also deduced it to the fact that many times we saw him controlling himself. Shiharu is growing up to be a fine lady. That itself maybe turmoil to Matsunaga.

    Also, they are NOT lovers. Shiharu never accepted his proposal nor denied it. She just took the ring, as Matsunaga asked and never cleared her stand. Like he said, he would wait even ten years, and even if she refused to marry him, he would not take it against her. As far as Matsunaga sees it (and I would too if I am in Matsunaga's situation) Shiharu is not in love with him. She was flustered around him but many times we saw Matsunaga thinking she's just feeling awkward around him. Even to the point that her acting strangely is her wanting to resign. (He's kinda dense, in short. Look at his ex girlfriends. He was dumped for such reasons)

    What we can do, however, is wait and see what's in store for them. Regardless of how Matsunaga handled their relationship, what we cannot deny is that he is a serious man and there's no way his feelings would change. The ball is in Shiharu's court.

    Also, keep in mind Matsunaga is Japanese.. it's common for us to act like this. Like your username, Look at Misaki. He's been sleeping with Usami for years and still acts (a little) harsh around him, denying his feelings every so often. (Though we know he loves him) Anyway, point is, even our way of confessing love is "Suki/Like" "Daisuki/really like" for serious, dating for many years type. "Aishiteru" is rarely, almost never used here. Culture has certain reservation. And Matsunaga is surely one of those type to wait before they strike, no matter how frustrating this may be to others perspective.

    Sorry for the English, in case there's mistakes

    Ahn June 27, 2016 1:34 pm
    I get what you guys are saying BUT the 'especially if you dont really make an effort' as lenalena points out is what makes this hard to believe, I can understand with friends or family but this is between two p... I Love Junjou Romantica

    I didn't see my lover for 4 and a half year because we were both working towards the future. We did have phone calls now and then but not that frequently, and we're going to separate again soon for another 3 years because I'm going overseas to build up my career. while he is starting up is own company, so I don't think it's that strange, since we both know we want a future together and we're trying our best to get there together.

    The age of 17 to 22 Shiharu is apart from Matsunaga is really meaningful, She'll grow and mature a lot during that time and will be able to support herself without leeching off Matsunaga. I think it's the best choice that he could have made, although the manga still has to clarify plotholes :)

    I get your frustration though, since this is manga you just want them to be together~

    I Love Junjou Romantica June 27, 2016 3:51 pm

    thnk you guys for trying to explain..... i still dont buy it but you made it much more believe-able so thank you!