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Let me see if I understood it right We have an adult woman that grooms a teenager girl who...

AnonL June 3, 2021 5:20 am

Let me see if I understood it right
We have an adult woman that grooms a teenager girl who was lonely, sexual harass her and then manipulate her in such way that now the only friend she had, she abuses too.
Now the teenager is going down an awful path based in her trauma and messed up feelings.
Welp...Some stories just shouldn't be allowed by law to be written.
Also this is a shame to the lesbian community. We are already so badly view and talked and people create stuff like this...
Geez...I can only image how the lesbians in Japan would/are feeling about it

    white raven June 3, 2021 4:28 pm

    You forgot that said friend is also poisoned and manipulated by said teacher (so she can have Aya all to herself) and another teenager to whom she never had done anything (she and the mc choose a school she decided not to) into droping her friend (who also makes Haruki feel responsible for her own choices in life and thinks another girl will be a better replacement read romance novel logic T.T) and once she ends up with Mochida (yup ueda is capable of this!) she will be essentially together with another Sei 2.0 (who rants about her own "lost lenore") and the worst part is Haruki herself has similarities to Sei as well Aya pic = Yoru Pic, having a male name like Sei, those two girls (yup Sei had em too) and of course being the class rep! Holy hell puberty sure sucks for Haruki she hates her own teenage lust! And Unlike Yoru (who got her entire life destroyed by Sei) Aya is completly alone! Haruki is basically her real family! Talk about PTSD for life!

    And the final kicker? Aya at least doesn't mind if Haruki ends up with someone better!

    With all the shit that I have seen about Sei I no longer care about her "trauma" and wish for her to get a "head trauma" in chapter 20!

    My sympathies to you and the community!

    PS8K July 23, 2021 12:52 am

    They’re only six years apart reading manga instead of say bullshit