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Too bad haters, I loved it. The story should be required reading for real relationships: t...

mischiefgrrl June 27, 2016 12:27 pm

Too bad haters, I loved it. The story should be required reading for real relationships: this is what "bad communication" looks like, and how it matters to your sex life. The art is expressive and lively. Komiya is boney. Get over it. Hating on a whole body type isn't cool. Just saying "that kind of skinny doesn't turn me on" is hurtful enough, as I found out by turning someone down like that. I'm fat. He's skinny. Neither of us need you questioning our health or telling us we're ugly. There are a million art styles, a million ways to be beautiful, right on this website. If you don't like this one, move on. I reaffirm my choice to put this manga in my list of faves and recommendations, "better than sliced bread." Too bad, haters, move on. :P

    MiKaeL June 27, 2016 5:32 pm

    I AGREE WITH YOU .............. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶