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BONES THE BONEman June 3, 2021 9:24 pm

I will be holding a formal funeral for thsi angel. Although it was short it was nice knowing him. He was a funny character while he lasted. The funeral with me tomorrow afternoon please dress accordingly.

    YesJellyfish June 3, 2021 9:42 pm

    I give my condolence. May he rest in peace.

    BONES THE BONEman June 4, 2021 3:47 am
    I give my condolence. May he rest in peace. YesJellyfish

    Would anyone like to come up to the podium and say a few words?

    Cherryred June 4, 2021 7:44 am
    Would anyone like to come up to the podium and say a few words? BONES THE BONEman

    I would.. he was a cocky man.. I'll tell u that but he was also incredibly stupid because of how long he spent with his head in the clouds letting his ego fly through the roof. Today he was body slammed to the ground by the will of a child.. R.I.P

    SeenIt June 4, 2021 2:42 pm
    Would anyone like to come up to the podium and say a few words? BONES THE BONEman

    I would also like to come up. Now jil-... uh je-... Whatever their name was I'll just call them J. Was a wonderful character, reminiscent of Jibril from NGNL. While not like our beautiful Jibril who had a... for knowledge. We got to see their... fondness, towards the girls who sang the hymns. They kind of made the comic awkward yet fun when they got hit by a cloud shaped like poo. We will miss them once our MC has some fun stealing the holy magic.

    YesJellyfish June 4, 2021 3:24 pm
    Would anyone like to come up to the podium and say a few words? BONES THE BONEman

    I would say that he was....a greedy angel and that he will live better in the afterlife. He was dummy but maybe his heart said something else then his mind. May he R.I.P.

    Spicy_Cake June 6, 2021 9:22 pm

    I clap in the audience and drip eyedrops on my cheeks.

    The orchestra plays sad classical music or something in the background.

    Aaa June 6, 2021 9:59 pm
    I clap in the audience and drip eyedrops on my cheeks. The orchestra plays sad classical music or something in the background. Spicy_Cake

    And as we see his casket being lowered, we all think :

    “He should have just taught the kid holy magic.”

    YesJellyfish June 6, 2021 10:07 pm
    And as we see his casket being lowered, we all think :“He should have just taught the kid holy magic.” Aaa