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This story was a complete mess! It was a mess that made since but a mess because of all th...

Polarbeard June 4, 2021 2:17 pm

This story was a complete mess! It was a mess that made since but a mess because of all the loose morals and partner hopping going on. Terada really had a d*ck in everybody and lived happily ever after with his new family. The female was greedy and bitter till the end. The uke was too dang naive for his own good but that was because his parents were murdered!! So he had no one to turn to, which makes me wonder if he went to an orphanage? And I wonder the same about the seme... Tbh the uke made things worse for himself because he was in a relationship with Terada, and Terada was with the female but he ended up getting 2 females pregnant and then dropped the first girl and told her to abort the baby, BUT the uke just had to interfere and that as when he had that money ducking wench attached to him. Seriously, how do people come up with this sort of crap??
