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Sorry gonna Rant.

CrystalAris July 1, 2016 1:55 am

So. Today I learned a Valuable life lesson. Don't learn to cook, and if you do don't let your family know. Two hours of my life have been wasted, gone. Vamoosed.

Cooking super for your family is very unrewarding. Apparently two hours of cooking and prepping supper is sufficient/ equal to only ONE thank you from ONE person. Oh and not just ANY 'Thank You', a "Thank You. Supper was delicious." now normally that would satisfy me, but now I have to help clean the dishes.

Yes I sound like a brat, but that isn't what my problem is. I cook supper All by myself, minimum of 5 days a week and depending who's home I have to cook more than one meal a day... now if my family would ALSO cook I would have as much of an issue, but when they go "Lets have leftovers" (that I cooked) or " let's eat out" when its their turn to cook is plain lazy. AND then it's please wash the dishes (of course 'please' is more like a threat since there is no choice) and even if they do cook it hamburger helper or premade stuff you just heat up... really sick.

I make cookies a good count of 60, BUT they are gone after I only eat two or three and I have to clean the mess I made (that's fine but I want more of my hard work) instead my mom just gives them to her coworkers (if she made them herself I wouldn't have an issue).

Now after this hard labor of cooking I have to do the dishes. excuse me help my sibling do the dishes. Apparently 'washing' the dishes refers only to washing them. not drying and putting them away though that's what it meant in the past. So when I 'wash' dishes and leave them out for someone else to take care of (used to dry and put away, but why they leave them out for me I figure I too should bestow gifts on these ungrateful.... ____ ....children.

They take DAYS to 'take care' of them, but me NOOOOOO I have to do it as SOOON as they are washed (dry and put away)

...PERFECTLY FAIR. 100% as ALWAYS -.- ....

well to sum it up I have two kids and a hubby. and no I'm not married nor have I ever adopted... so I just don't see how its possible.

<sigh> that's life. Two hrs ... two hrs. I could have been reading manga... ruined. maybe I should just cook for 1 person and do my own dishes. only problem I like leftovers so I can have lunch w/out cooking. now how to make sure the dumpster won't want it.

    nickname July 1, 2016 2:45 am

    let's be friend then.

    because I live with -man- and I was the only woman, I must doing chores for them, every single day, not just cooking.

    but, you've worked hard, dear..

    CrystalAris July 1, 2016 2:51 am
    let's be friend then.ghhhhhhhh,... because I live with -man- and I was the only woman, I must doing chores for them, every single day, not just cooking.but, you've worked hard, dear.. nickname

    Thank you *runs up to give a hug*

    nickname July 1, 2016 3:05 am
    Thank you *runs up to give a hug* CrystalAris

    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Anonymous July 1, 2016 4:13 am

    Add me in. The unfairness of family life is palpable for me. And even if I ask gently for help in a chore, its like the world is going to collapse and I shouldn't "complain so much"... Is the logic of fairness more of a rarity that I thought?

    Yes, I'm a bit frustrated too rn

    CrystalAris July 1, 2016 4:46 am

    Thanks for listening. Really I mean it. it really helps to know I'm not alone. and so far being single doesn't sound so bad.

    ~illoveyaoi July 1, 2016 6:55 am

    Me too.. im the only girl in the family.. so when i ask my siblings to help me in the the chore they will say "i dont want to" or "its your job" then my mother follow it up saying "yes, that a girls job, you do it" .. like wtf man! i will sulk but in the end i will do it cause no one will do it... -___-