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I have several questions...

Juniper Jellybeans July 1, 2016 2:11 pm

Spoiler Alert!------->I have a feeling this series was meant to go on for alot longer. That abrupt ending never explained how she so conveniently lost her powers. We didn't even know Ballas CAN even lose their powers. Why was she a Balla who can absorb other abilities? What connection did she have to the ancient artifact? She never got to meet/confront her real father who betrayed her mother. How did the train accident occur?( it was hinted it was her fault but many loose ends). Hope there's a second series.

    Diane May 1, 2019 11:00 pm

    It seems the scanner dropped it, judging by other comments I just read. :( Apparently they were politely asking people not to post the manga on other websites, but people wouldn't listen, so the scanner stopped posting chapters for everyone to read. All because of people who can't listen to polite requests. It's a shame, really. :(